0800 246 5740 or 01772 200690 underoneroof@selnet-uk.com

Select your local partner

  • To apply for support through Under One Roof you need to ask an approved partner organisation to refer you into the scheme.
  • With your permission the organisation you choose will make an application on your behalf.
  • We have listed below by locality the organisations we are working with.
  • All you need to do is select the organisation you would like to do this for you, and make direct contact with them – all the details you will need are below:

Central Lancashire

Chorley, Preston, Leyland and South Ribble


CONTACT: Karen Wallis

CALL: 01772 796622

EMAIL: karen@emmauspreston.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Homelessness charity




CALL: 01772 702090

EMAIL: saharainpreston@btinternet.com



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We provide a free, confidential service working predominantly for BME women by providing an advocacy support service for a range of issues such as domestic abuse, benefits, health, unemployment and training needs.

CONTACT: Laura Brown

CALL: 01772 791460

EMAIL: laura@headwaycentrallancashire.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Central Lancashire- including Preston, South Ribble, Ribble Valley, Chorley

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Acquired brain injury and major trauma 


CONTACT: Loraine Burgess

EMAIL: lorraine.burgess@placesforpeople.co.uk



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Housing/homlessness - people living in extreme poverty


CONTACT: Sharon Smith

CALL: 07710 984479

EMAIL: sharonsmith@caritascare.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Caritas Care’s ACE project gives ex-offenders chances, choices and opportunities to build a better life.


CONTACT: Jackie Bird

CALL: 01772 268124

EMAIL: jackie.bird@communitygateway.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Preston, South Ribble, Blackpool and Fylde



CONTACT: Steve Varley

EMAIL: steve.varley@lancscarers.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide (except Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen)

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We provide information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services designed to help Carers continue in their caring role for as long as they choose and reduce the impact the caring role can have on their own health and wellbeing.


CONTACT: Denise Hartley

CALL: 01772 760760

EMAIL: Denise.Hartley@intact-preston.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Preston and surrounding areas

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We offer ‘wrap around support’ for local residents and people in the wider community, in the form of a ‘one-stop-shop’.


CONTACT: Key Unlocking Futures 

CALL: 01772 678979

EMAIL: help@keycharity.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: South Ribble, Chorley, Fylde, Central Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support people moving into tenancies from emergency accommodation and homelessness. Help with setting up and maintaining tenancies.


CONTACT: Nikola Hope

CALL: 01942 245656

EMAIL: nikola@unifycu.org


WHERE WE WORK: Chorley, Leyland, Wigan, Leigh, Warrington

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We are a savings and loan co-operative


CONTACT: Denise Partington

CALL: 01772 717461

EMAIL: admin@communityfutures.org.uk




CONTACT: Julie Dowd

CALL: 07933 046107

EMAIL: julie@brightstarthomes.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Chorley, South Ribble

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We are dedicated to providing high quality homes for people with addiction issues. Our homes are available to anybody that is still in any form of active addiction but has a desire to stop and a willingness to accept support with that process.


CONTACT: Cath Smith

CALL: 01772 825288

EMAIL: office@trusthouselancs.org


WHERE WE WORK: We cover all districts within the Lancashire area

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Counselling, wellbeing, and family support to victims of sexual abuse and violence. All adults, and children


CONTACT: Hayley Hughes

EMAIL: contact@chorley.gov.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Chorley, South Ribble

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: District council supporting vulnerable people


CONTACT: Mark Greaves

CALL: 07552 164553

EMAIL: mark.greaves@placesforpeople.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Chorley, Preston, Leyland, South Ribble, Lancaster, Morecombe, Fylde, Wyre , Hyburn, Burnley, Pendle Rossendale, Ribble Valley,Ormskirk

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We are a Housing Association that offers a housing management service to over 5, 000 homes in the above areas. The Lettings Team will engage and let properties to service users that will benefit from the service offered by the Under One Roof partnership.


CALL: 0808 278 7880 

Online enquiry form: www.citizensadvicelancashirewest.org.uk/online-enquiry-form/


WHERE WE WORK: Chorley, South Ribble, West Lancs, Wyre



CONTACT: Preston Citizens Advice 

CALL: 0300 330 1172 (Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9:15am-3:15pm)


WHERE WE WORK: Preston and surrounding arears

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Provide free confidential impartial advice and assistance – Preston CAB is not geographically bound and through our Fuel Poverty Project provide assistance throughout Lancashire to relieve fuel and food poverty and provide a holistic advice service



EMAIL: info@southribble.gov.uk


WHERE WE WORK: South Ribble

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: South Ribble Borough Council is the Local Authority for the South Ribble area, providing statutory services, including assistance with housing and homelessness and other community-based services.


CALL: 01772 623 603

EMAIL: admin@sleap.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Preston, Chorley, South Ribble

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support young people up to 25 years old in South Ribble, Chorley and Preston. We provide them with somewhere safe to live and give them the support and help they need to move on as confident and independent young adults.


CALL: 01772 201601

EMAIL: enquiries@pdvs.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Preston area

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support adults and children experiencing (or having experienced) Domestic Violence.


CALL: 01772 646650

EMAIL: enquiries@active-pathways.com


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Recovery focused mental health services within innovative, creative, and inspiring environments.


CONTACT: Dawn Robinson

CALL: 01772 556877

EMAIL: bbo@lancashirecommunityfinance.co.uk

WEBSITE: www.lancashirecommunityfinance.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Hyndburn, Chorley, Pendle, South Ribble, Lancaster, Ribble Valley, Burnley, Preston, Rossendale, Wyre, Fylde, West Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We provide affordable and ethical loans, at fair market rates to individuals and businesses in Lancashire who may struggle to get assistance from mainstream providers.



CONTACT: www.contactus.progressgroup.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Place South Ribble, Chorley, Hyndburn, Ribble Valley, Lancaster, Preston, Wyre, Fylde, West Lancashire



CALL: 0808 1689111

WEB: www.victimsupport.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire Wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support all victims of crime, including domestic and sexual violence and abuse. We receive around 80,000 referrals each year from Lancashire Police, partner agencies and individuals who are in need of help and support to cope and recover from the impact of crime. A significant proportion of our clients are victims of domestic abuse, many of whom have fled their homes in order to be safe and do not have basic items they need in their new homes.




CONTACT: www.onward.co.uk/contact-us

CALL: 0300 555 0600


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide 

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Supporting Lancashire residents with skills and employment


CONTACT: Angela McBeth

CALL: 07546 875791



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Chorley Buddies, at its simplest, is an opportunity for the lonely and isolated to have a chat with a friendly voice. We do not provide medical, financial or relationship help but can signpost to other agencies that do.



CONTACT: Kelly Dytham

EMAIL: k.dytham@broadoak.lancs.sch.uk


WHERE WE WORK: South Ribble

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support families who have been made homeless or struggling financially, suffer with mental health issues plus much more.



CONTACT: Jennifer Barnes

EMAIL: jenny@excelhousingsolutions.com


WHERE WE WORK: South Ribble

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We offer multi service specific to needhousing ,short term and long term private lettings to reduce homelessness. Our offender hostel service focuses on providing a reintegration pathway which is usually 12 months intensive support with regular client engagement and gaining them necessary documents and life skills they will need to obtain secure and either independently or semi independently maintain a tenancy, we offer floating support to clients who still benefit from regular weekly support depending on their needs.





North Lancashire

Lancaster, Morecambe, Wyre and Fylde


CONTACT: Jane Altham

CALL: 01253 311431

EMAIL: jaltham@ren-uk.com


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Substance misuse and sexual health


CONTACT: Glenda Smith

CALL: 01253 752014

EMAIL: service.manager@fcwa.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Fylde and Wyre

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: FCWA is a domestic abuse charity that supports all victims of domestic violence and/or abuse across the Fylde Coast.


CONTACT: Gully Trevena

CALL: 01524 400404

EMAIL: enquiries@northlancashirecab.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Morecambe, Lancaster and surrounding areas



CONTACT: Val Hesketh

CALL: 01253 343394

EMAIL: val.hesketh@creativesupport.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Wyre and Fylde

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Not for profit housing and support provider. Operating services which support individuals with complex needs which may include homelessness and crisis


CONTACT: Lindsay Barlow

EMAIL: lindsaybarlow@disabilityfirst.org


WHERE WE WORK: Wyre & Fylde

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Benefits assistance



CONTACT: David Flanagan

CALL: 07847 521291

EMAIL: dave@actcommunity.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Fylde, Wyre, Preston

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Advice, training and counselling


CONTACT: Kelle Burke

CALL: 01253 878826 (office)

EMAIL: kelle.burke@salvationarmy.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: George Williams House, Fleetwood

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Supported accommodation - Family and young person unit

CONTACT: Jerry Friel

CALL: 01253 658568

EMAIL: jerry.friel@fylde.gov.uk



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Housing /potential homelessness applications


CONTACT: Terri Greenwood

CALL: 07894 724658

EMAIL: Terri.Greenwood@fyldecoastymca.org


WHERE WE WORK: Fylde & Wyre, East Lancashire - Clitheroe, Bacup, Accrington, Nelson and Colne

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Has multiple projects and accommodation throughout Lancashire. Young adults (under 25)


CONTACT: Pamela Holroyd

CALL: 01253 891000

EMAIL: Housing_Options@wyregovuk.onmicrosoft.com



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Local Authority conducting Homeless and threatened with homeless enquires and duties. We will only refer clients working with our team.

CONTACT: 0808 278 7881





CONTACT: Dawn Cardwell

CALL: 01282 686300 

EMAIL: contact@calico.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancaster and Morecambe

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We provide housing focussed support in Lancaster and Morecambe. We acquire tenancies and set them up for vulnerable individuals and families.


CONTACT: Joanne McMillan

EMAIL: Joanne.mcmillan@makingspace.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancaster, Morecambe & Kendal

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Mental health, learning disability, dementia, older people


CONTACT: Lucy Bennett

EMAIL: homelessteam@lancaster.gov.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancaster




CONTACT: Jo Carson

CALL: 01253 955411

EMAIL: jo.carson@nhs.net


WHERE WE WORK: Wyre & Fylde

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Social prescribers providing social support to three practices across Fylde and Wyre.

CONTACT: Nick Dobson

CALL: 0808 169 8673 

EMAIL: CentralNorthLancs.Referrals@cgl.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Wyre and Fylde

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Substance misuse service- face to face and telephone support


CALL: 0300 323 0085

EMAIL: info@lancashirevictimservices.org


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire Wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We provide support to victims and witnesses of crime across the county.


CALL: 0808 278 7880 

Online enquiry form: www.citizensadvicelancashirewest.org.uk/online-enquiry-form/


WHERE WE WORK: Chorley, South Ribble, West Lancs, Wyre



CALL: 0300 123 1966

WEB: www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support those with tenancies at risk for any number of reasons. We work in a "with" and not "for" manner to create independent living skills to avoid re occurrence and further referrals. We work with the communities to support individuals to sustain their tenancies.



CONTACT: Lisa Carlton

CALL: 01253 723465

EMAIL: Lcarlton@mayfield.lancs.sch.uk



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Vulnerable children, MH, SEN, homless, substance misuse, DA


CONTACT: Michael Fidler

CALL: 07799 165682

EMAIL: michael@strawberryfieldstraining.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancaster district – Lancaster, Morecambe, Carnforth, Heysham

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Strawberry Fields exists to support and empower marginalised people to recognise and move towards developing their potential.


CALL: 0808 1689111WEB: www.victimsupport.org.uk WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire WideWHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support all victims of crime, including domestic and sexual violence and abuse. We receive around 80,000 referrals each year from Lancashire Police, partner agencies and individuals who are in need of help and support to cope and recover from the impact of crime. A significant proportion of our clients are victims of domestic abuse, many of whom have fled their homes in order to be safe and do not have basic items they need in their new homes.   

CONTACT: Louise Seacy

CALL: 07871 902764

EMAIL: lbflancastermorecambe@gmail.com 


WHERE WE WORK: Lancaster

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Our aim is to get together people with lived experience in our own communities to befriend people who are currently homeless or who have left the streets recently. 



East Lancashire

Hyndburn, Burnley, Pendle, Rossendale and Ribble Valley


CONTACT: Ann Laemmer 

CALL: 07907 375284

EMAIL: info@nntburnley.onmicrosoft.com


WHERE WE WORK: Borough of Burnley

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Refugees/asylum seekers


CONTACT: Christine Petterson

CALL: 01706 252012

EMAIL: office@carh.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Rossendale and Hyndburn



CONTACT: Lynette Hatton

CALL: 01254 260465

EMAIL: lynette.hatton@thewishcentre.org


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Families in refuge accommodation in Blackburn but move on to Lancashire address. Face to face refuge accommodation.


CONTACT: Wilma Waddingham

EMAIL: wwaddingham@burnley.gov.uk




CALL: 01282 428246

EMAIL: office@ightenhill.lancs.sch.uk



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Local Authority Primary School

CONTACT: Marilyn Procter

CALL: 01706 215082

EMAIL: firstchoicecu@btconnect.com


WHERE WE WORK: Rossendale, Hyndburn, Ribble Valley, Preston, Burnley, Pendle 

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We are a member owned not for profit organisation which provides members with savings and loan facilities.


CONTACT: Ashleigh Walsh

CALL: 01254 879855

EMAIL: ashleigh@harvoutreach.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Hyndburn and Ribble valley

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Women and children domestic violence support


WHERE WE WORK: Ribble Valley

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support homeless families and young people in the Ribble Valley and surrounding areas.



CALL: 01282 227649

EMAIL: jen.gore@p-a-c.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Youth homelessness, domestic abuse and poor mental health


CONTACT: Housing Options

CALL: 01706 252555

EMAIL: housingoptions@rossendalebc.gov.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Rossendale

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: The Housing Options team advises and assists people that are homeless or threatened with homelessness to remain in their current homes or find alternative housing.

CONTACT: Lindsay Majid

EMAIL: lmajid@safenet.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Domestic abuse support


CONTACT: Katy Marshall

CALL: 01200 427336

EMAIL: manager@ribblevalleycab.cabnet.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Ribble Valley




CONTACT: Joanne Commons

CALL: 01244 605111

EMAIL: Joanne.commons@muir.org.uk



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We allocate properties using local CBL systems and deal with the allocation and management of our properties.


CONTACT: Dawn Cardwell

CALL: 01282 686360

EMAIL: dcardwell@clico.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Burnley, Hyndburn, Rossendale, Pendle and Blackburn with Darwen

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We are an independent housing provider who own approximately 5,000 homes in Lancashire. We provide quality accommodation for families, individuals and older people, plus supported housing and services for homeless people, those escaping domestic abuse and people in recovery. We provide housing and tenancy support to new and existing customers. 


CONTACT: Francesca Finegan

CALL: 01254 231051

EMAIL: fineganf@rhyddings.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Hyndburn, Rossendale & Burnley

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We are a secondary school who serves a disadvantaged community. 45% of our students are on Pupil Premium which 3x higher than the national average.



CALL: 0800 144 8848


WHERE WE WORK: Burnley and Pendle

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We are an independent charity providing free, impartial and confidential advice to people living in Burnley, Nelson, Barnoldswick and Colne. We exist to help people find a way forward, whoever they are, whatever their problem.


CALL: 0300 323 0085

EMAIL: info@lancashirevictimservices.org


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire Wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We provide support to victims and witnesses of crime across the county.


CONTACT: Sustainability Hub

CALL: 0300 330 5524

EMAIL: THG.welfareadvice@togetherhousing.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Rossendale Borough Council, Borough of Pendle, Ribble Valley and Hyndburn – areas in Lancashire County Council Area



CONTACT: Humraaz Support Services

CALL: 01254 695800

EMAIL: info@humraaz.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Blackburn with Darwen and other areas of Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Ethnic minority women who have fled or are experiencing DV. Migrant women who have fled or experiencing DV.


CONTACT: 1st Call Support Specialists

CALL: 01254 238533

EMAIL: 1stcall-mpt-referral@onward.co.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Hyndburn, Ribble Valley and Preston and surrounding areas

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support anyone over the age of 16.



CONTACT: Jessie Blair

CALL: 07917 051260

EMAIL: Jessielouise.blair@lancashire.gov.uk


WHERE WE WORK: East Lancashire Burnley, Pendle, Rossendale, Accrington

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Tier four safeguarding


CONTACT: Catherine Haseley

CALL: 01254 659686 

EMAIL: catherine@maundyrelief.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: East Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Vulnerable adults


CONTACT: Through Website

CALL: 01254 495 382


WHERE WE WORK: East Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Individuals struggling with drug (including alcohol) issues to find the strength and resources within themselves to achieve and sustain the life and behavioural changes they seek.

CALL: 01282 690536


WHERE WE WORK: Pendle, Burnley, Rossendale, Accrington, Ribble Valley

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support. We help families with children under 13 with practical and confidential support.

CALL: 01254 381782

EMAIL: alex-houldsworth@broadfield.lancs.sch.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Oswaldtwistle (Hyndburn)

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support all of our students and their families.



CALL: 01274 760720


WHERE WE WORK: Rossendale

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Free debt help, budgeting support, volunteer befrienders, emergency food aid, emergency gas and electric top ups, home visit, emotional support and help to access other support.



CONTACT: www.redroserecovery.org.uk/#contact

CALL: 01254 352580


WHERE WE WORK: Hyndburn, Chorley, Pendle, Burnley, Rossendale

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support vulnerable people eg those under the influence or may be taken advantage off of others.


CALL: 01282 435865

EMAIL: info@westendburnley.co.uk



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Young children to adults



CALL: 0808 1689111

WEB: www.victimsupport.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire Wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support all victims of crime, including domestic and sexual violence and abuse. We receive around 80,000 referrals each year from Lancashire Police, partner agencies and individuals who are in need of help and support to cope and recover from the impact of crime. A significant proportion of our clients are victims of domestic abuse, many of whom have fled their homes in order to be safe and do not have basic items they need in their new homes.




CONTACT: www.onward.co.uk/contact-us

CALL: 0300 555 0600


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide 

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Supporting Lancashire residents with skills and employment


CALL: 0344 515 1882

EMAIL: lancashire@shelter.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Specialist help in housing, benefits and debt. 


CALL: 01254 388111

WEB: www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Housing advice & homelessness


CONTACT: Wendy Shaw

CALL: 01282 433740 Ext 1009

EMAIL: wendy.shaw@bprcvs.co.uk





CONTACT: Mrs. Mandy Kroukamp

EMAIL: nigelkroukamp@gmail.com



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We Give people living in food poverty more than £20 worth of food and basic cleaning and household products for a charge of £5



CONTACT: Ms. Saba Iftikhar

EMAIL: sabaiftikhar@pennineoakscvo.co.uk



WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Pennine Oaks works with communities across Pendle to help with living independently. we run various programmes and projects across Pendle We bring people away from the towns and cities to connect with nature.





West Lancashire

Skelmersdale & Ormskirk


CALL: 01695 50600

EMAIL: liberty@thelibertycentre.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: West Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Women, men, suffering from or in danger of domestic abuse, refuges, homeless people and those living in extreme poverty


CALL: 0300 323 0085

EMAIL: info@lancashirevictimservices.org


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire Wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We provide support to victims and witnesses of crime across the county.


CONTACT: Darralyn Jackson

CALL: 0151 703 3609

EMAIL: darralyn.jackson@regenda.org.uk






Richard Whitehead (Man-Archy/ Legacy Project), richard@divinedays.co.uk, 07850 851108


Katie Whitehead (Divine Days/ Legacy Project), katie@divinedays.co.uk, 07896 137236


Kristine Eccles (Community Connections), kristine@divinedays.co.uk, 07782 553196


WHERE WE WORK: West Lancashire

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Men’s Mental Well-Being, Adults with an SEN statement, from aged 18 upwards. Those in our community who are isolated.


CONTACT: Jan Fitzsimons

CALL: 01695 726269

EMAIL: admin@swlican.org


WHERE WE WORK: West Lancashire



CALL: 0300 303 1234


WHERE WE WORK: Lancaster, Preston, South Ribble, Fylde, Wyre, West Lancashire, Ribble Valley, Pendle, Hyndburn, Chorley, Rossendale, Burnley

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: Working in Lancashire to offer support and services to older people.


CALL: 01942 245656

EMAIL: info@unifycu.org


WHERE WE WORK: Chorley, Leyland, Wigan, Leigh, Warrington

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We are a savings and loan co-operative.


CALL: 0808 1689111

WEB: www.victimsupport.org.uk


WHERE WE WORK: Lancashire Wide

WHO WE HELP / SPECIALISM: We support all victims of crime, including domestic and sexual violence and abuse. We receive around 80,000 referrals each year from Lancashire Police, partner agencies and individuals who are in need of help and support to cope and recover from the impact of crime. A significant proportion of our clients are victims of domestic abuse, many of whom have fled their homes in order to be safe and do not have basic items they need in their new homes.



CALL: 0808 278 7880 

Online enquiry form: www.citizensadvicelancashirewest.org.uk/online-enquiry-form/


WHERE WE WORK: Chorley, South Ribble, West Lancs, Wyre